The Elastic Circus of the Revolution regularly collaborates with other entities to create work, to support projects, to push for the flowering of our ideas and our values. These connections and collaborations often arise organically, and pretty often work out because of that. The collaborations are in effect germane to the projects, and vice-versa!
I think of my own work at MoMA and Pratt as an actual collaboration between The Elastic Circus of the Revolution and these organizations, with ‘me’ acting as a liaison of sorts. The collectives I’ve created or been part of (the PICollective, Hot Wood Arts), the organizations I’ve been involved with, the publishers I’ve published with, the printers ECR has worked with, the artists I’ve shown or performed with, the authors I’ve engaged with: all are part of the network of folks and orgz contributing to bringing to and into the world some of our pieces, projects, poetics, politics.
The latest collaboration: The Elastic Circus of the Revolution and Hot Wood Arts presented {frst rvlt}, a readation/performation with Amir Parsa and Yes Exactly Yes on December 11, 2021. Check it out here.